Sunday, April 18, 2010

Peer Response to Mitch's Fake vs. Real Food

Mitch had a very good view on milk. Here is a link to his blog. Since he grew up on a dairy farm I feel he would have a great perceptive on the raw milk vs. pasteurized milk. He states that in this case the processed milk is better for you. It is one of the few foods that in my eyes is better for you processed.

The processed milk has vitamins infused with it and the risk of micro organisms is significantly lower than in raw milk. He also states the problem of raw milk separating where as processed milk does not.

As stated above in my eyes this is one of the few foods where fake food is better and two blogs that help my thoughts are Carrie Jo Leum's Real vs Fake food and my blog which is just below on this page titled Is fake better?

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